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Zürcher Derby: Stadtpolizei stopped GC-Fans

Zürcher Derby: Stadtpolizei stopped GC-Fans


Zürcher DerbyGrosseinsatz der Polizei blocked Krawalle zwischen GC- and FCZ-Fans

Polizei stopped Hunderte GC-Fans and provided a boost with FCZ-Fans. Zudem made a reluctant showing at Kreis 4.

Daniela Wyler
  • Samstag organized the Zürcher Derby and made a reluctant showing for a big show at the Polizei.

  • FCZ and GC-Fans organize Fanmarsche with the support of Pyrotechnik.

  • 591 GC-Fans allows four people to be controlled.

  • Dank is pleased with the spirit of Polizeipräsenz Spiel.

Samstag, 30. November 2024, coached the Grossaufgebot der Stadt- und Kantonspolizei für Sicherheit for Zurich in the Derby zwischen of FC Zürich and Grasshopper Club Zürich. Zudem made a reluctant showing at Kreis 4.

Beide Fanlager saved Josefwiese’s Versammlungen at a time when Samstag was extremely good. FCZ-Fans melts the status at Klingenpark and starts GC-Anhänger at Turbinenplatz.

FCZ-Fanmarsch von Polizei begleitet

Over the course of 17 hours, hundreds of matches were played between FCZ-Fanmarsch and Pyrotechnik in the Klingenpark on Limmatstrasse between Letzigrund-Stadion, the capital of Polizei.

He started a reluctant demonstration at Zeitgleich Helvetiaplatz. Der Zug brought with it Sachbeschädigungen and Feuerwerkseinsätzen, as did Kreis 4. The show remained at Helvetiaplatz.

Hunderte GC-Fans took action

GC-Fanmarsch reached Knallpetarden more than Duttweilerbrücke with 18 Uhr at Turbinenplatz. 591 Personnel controls, various festivals and fire extinguishing materials. Material safety.

Plain Polizeipräsenz is not in the spirit of Spiel. Der Einsatz erfolgte in Zusammenarbeit mit der Kantonspolizei und der Transportpolizei.

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