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Trump nominates ultra-conservative Kash Patel as FBI Chief

Trump nominates ultra-conservative Kash Patel as FBI Chief

Donald Trump’s meeting with Wiederwahl as US President and Brazilian President “Tropen-Trump” Jair Bolsonaro caused a Rückkehr and Spitze to attack Landes. “Trump came and this is a Zeichen, dass auch wir kommen werden”, told Politiker at the 69th Anniversary of the “Wall Street Journal” (WSJ) in an interview in Donnerstag. Bolsonaro showed the best kandidieren zu of 2026 in Brazil. Es sei Zeit für “MAAGA”, also “Macht alle Amerikas wieder großartig”, sagte der Rechtspopulist der Zeitung unter Anspielung auf Trumps Wahlkampfslogan “Make America Great Again”.

The WSJ has set up Bolsonaro’s radical comeback from 2030, which will help you. Regarding Trump Druck’s vindication in Brazil. The Trump Office made nothing but a Stellungnahme during a period when Bolsonaro and Trump contacted the US in November.

I think there is a very good Wahlgericht Bolsonaro and a very good Wahlbetrugsvorwürfe. bis 2030, a day ago politischen politischen. We have Polizei in the first country of Brazil in 2022 and Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva connecting once again after a new coup attempt. Bolsonaro has achieved a lot with many different plans. Trump faced a problem with a policy of “Verfolgung” to Bolsonaro.

From 2019 to 2022, Bolsonaro, who had more say for two years, said that Widersacher Lula was with the master Mehrheit. In Der Folge stürmten Bolsonaro-Anhänger am 8. January 2023 from Präsidentenpalast, das Parliament und den Obersten Gerichtshof. Make sure Bolsonaro keeps Wahlsieg’s word. And this was accompanied by a permissible Ereignissen.

Die Vorfälle weckten Erinnerungen with Sturm fanatischer Trump-Anhänger at the US Capitol on January 6, 2021. Damals goes along with Trump and then unhesitatingly elects Betrugsvorwürfe and once again strikes a big deal.