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16th Super League Run – 1:0-Minisieg: Luzern takes 24th place in Yverdon for the first time – Sports

16th Super League Run – 1:0-Minisieg: Luzern takes 24th place in Yverdon for the first time – Sports

He’s been fighting him for 24 years, with the FCL allowing his fight with Yverdon. Negative Streak – Luzern have two games in hand at Yverdon (1 Unentschieden, 5 Niederlagen) on 6 May – Mario Frick is very good at siege in the Waadtland with his Team. Überzeugend traten die Innerschweizer aber nicht auf.

Symptoms of a Party During a Punishment. Donat Rrudhani allowed Nerven to take on Fuss in the 55th minute, with Captain Pius Dorn and Christian Marques at Strafraum. Paul Bernardoni met none other than Ecke at Yverdon-Tor.

Bernardoni in Breaking News

In der Folge verpassten die Gäste die certain Entscheidung. Yverdon auf der reen Seite was very happy because it was such a good thing. Luzerner’s night games started first in the 92nd minute. Bernardoni got a taste of the ball from Eckball and put Kopfball the better as Schulter connected with the ball. Wenig später satisfied Zentralschweizer and its end users.

We have 8 matches after the first 2 – each battle is the leader of the night – the second match of the FCL on a big table. Die Gastgeber vom Neuenburgersee, 5. Partie en Folge in Sieglosen want to delve into more orientieren. He needs to rally Dreier, who started a war of war in Luzern, for Team Alessandro Mangiarratti to take a point and join the Tor.

Then it’s even more beautiful

By beating Lugano, Luzerner overtook Samstag in the Ligaalltag, ensuring that Waadtländer is in a Mittwoch and Highlight. I missed the Cup-Achtel final and Yverdon faced Lugano. Samstag joins Team Mangiarratti from Kellerduell in the GC.